Holiday & Student New Website
The Holiday & Student Lets team are leading experts in their field and specialise in cleaning Holiday and Student lets. With years of experience, specialist equipment and a passion for the job the Holiday & Students cleaning team are leading professional cleaners in East Sussex. Because Holiday & Student only clean holiday lets and student accommodation each job is professionally handled and is completed to the highest standard.
Having a holiday home along the South East can be a great source of income. However; cleaning up after the tenants takes away the glamour and more importantly; takes up your valuable time. Having a professional team come in and take care of everything will save you from getting your hands dirty, time and will make the property available sooner for the next set of tenants.
East Sussex has a large student population and the immediate concern that comes to mind when renting to students is the mess. Typically it’s their first place away from home and the shock of not having parents clean up after them will have an impact on their new home. Take away the stress of imagining what could be spilt onto the carpets, what messes are left in the kitchen and the inevitable stacks of take away containers with the professional cleaning service of Holiday & Student.